Automatic integration and model-based systems engineering with simpleXecutive and SIMPLEX.


simpleXecutive Methodology is an advanced system development approach that encourages modeling system performance by using our patented simulation tools. Our approach focuses on selecting the right system design and validating it against the requirements, PRIOR to investing in development effort. You can confidently develop and test your system-level hardware and software designs before you invest in writing one line of code or product implementation.


Our tools specifically target system-level design trades and focus on the performance of communication flow, power consumption, and time management as the measure of overall system effectiveness and can be applied at all phases of development.


SIMPLEX modeling tools characterize the system components and synthesize system performance, without actually building the components. Additionally, you can create accurate, reliable schedules and cost estimates directly from your models.


The simpleXecutive Methodology was developed by systems engineers, for systems engineers. Combined, our simulation tools and approach provide a very powerful and competitive engineering tool to support your development teams.




The bottom half of the diagram shows the classic development waterfall: Requirements, Coding, Integration, Testing and Bug Fixes. Bug fixes involve recoding, reintegrating, retesting the modifications, and fixing any bugs. Agile compresses this into a sequence of little sprints each dealing with a small manageable task and delivering a small piece of the product. Requirements evolve along with the incremental design. Performance is added in a refactoring phase as time permits. Scrums refined the Agile method by stressing Application Development by stressing rapid response to evolving requirements.


simpleXecutive methodology is different. It avoids the coding phase by virtually integrating the component interactions using the SIMPLEX simulations emulate real-time performance from blueprint characteristics (not code). SIMPLEX simulations test the result and identify problems. This shortens the scrum iteration cycle from weeks to hours allowing the collaborative system design and requirements to quickly evolve. Our method always models the entire system as the riskiest subsystems incrementally evolve from crude concepts into detailed specifications. Performance of the virtual integration is coordinated with the customer to show progress instead of the scrum demonstrations Problem issues allow changes to multiple components from any subsystem, i.e. previous work is open to revision without discarding implementing code.


The simpleXecutive methodology doesn’t stop once an acceptable system design is found. It is unlikely that the first workable design is optimum, or even effective. Our method encourages experimentation – significant system design changes are considered to discover a more effective system architecture. These constitute system trade studies – possible because the SIMPLEX tools allow complex changes to be quickly characterized and the resulting virtual performance to be accurately predicted by simulation. Multiple optimizations cycles can be conducted in a single shift. The result is a superior design.


Detailed system blueprints form a valid basis for estimating budgets and schedules for coding the fully characterized components. This is the first time you can write the formal system requirements for the last time. Components are actually coded only once. Integration is guided by the blueprints and since the component interactions have been synthesized in the earlier system simulations. Any residual bugs are few in number.


The result is a superior product that better meets requirements, delivered on time and within budget.